Category Archives: The Spinsterlicious Life
Would Having An “End Date” Help A Marriage?
The New York Times recently ran an article that explored the concept of renewable marriage contracts, meaning a marriage would “expire” after 5 years or 20 years or whatever the term would be and at the end of the term the couple was free to walk away or renew their marriage. The gist of the article … Continue reading
Travel Tuesday: Delighting In A Spinsterlicious Girlfriends Weekend
I just had the Best. Weekend. Ever. I hosted my annual Spinsterlicious Girlfriends Weekend at my house in Long Island. Thirteen of my favorite friends came from near (NYC), far (San Francisco), and in between (Washington, DC) to hang out for the weekend, eat great food, drink good drinks, bond, laugh, share stories, and just have … Continue reading
The Spinsterlicious Sweepstakes: Who Won?
The Spinsterlicious Life is delighted to announce the winners of our “National Singles Week” Sweepstakes. Congratulations to these lucky ladies who we hope will have lots of Spinsterlicious fun with their prizes: Angie Bruns – 4 day/3 night stay at Secrets the Vine in Cancun Sony Heron – Adam and Eve Pleasure Package and Amanda Jaron … Continue reading
Fab Friday Favs: Show Your Ta-tas Some Love!
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women worldwide, and approximately 1 woman in 8 will develop it over the course of her life. Breast cancer is so common that most women know someone who has been diagnosed with this disease. Just over 10 years ago, my dear friend, … Continue reading
Making Friends, Grown-up Style
One of the reasons being single works so well for me is my robust circle of what experts call social connections: some I’ve known forever, others I only recently met, some I share a bloodline with. Lots of studies and medical experts support that –single or married– healthy relationships are what help keep people sane and … Continue reading
Victim…or Co-conspirator?
I keep asking myself, “What is wrong with her?” Why was she with this man to begin with, and why did she stay longer than five minutes? I’m sure some will say this is really none of my business, but I disagree. If it’s in the news, on the news and every newsmagazine and talk show, … Continue reading
Travel Tuesday: The Single Experience…in Ecuador…in South Africa
The growing numbers of singles is not just a U.S. trend. Many countries around the world are also experiencing a decline in marriage. I love that readers of The Spinsterlicious Life are from “everywhere”…places like Australia, Brazil, Canada, Ecuador, Egypt, Germany, New Zealand, Peru, Romania, Slovakia, South Africa, and the U.K….in addition to the good old … Continue reading
Fab Friday Favs: Scents and Sensibility
I like things that smell good…but I have a love-hate relationship with fragrance. It seems that I have a stronger sense of smell than many people, so I often smell smells at an amplified level…which can be a problem. There’s a guy in my building who wears so much cologne that I can tell when … Continue reading
Maybe…Just Maybe…Consider Mixing Up Your Dating Life With Stir Events by
Last month, I wrote a blog post about an event I attended sponsored by, to promote their new Stir events. Stir events are targeted to single people and range from large scale happy hours at local bars and venues, to more intimate, interest-based events such as cooking classes, wine and tequila tastings, dance lessons, bowling nights, rock … Continue reading
My Hollywood Happening
Last week I had the good fortune to hang out in Los Angeles for a few days. I flew out for a book-signing for my book –The Spinsterlicious Life: 20 Life Lessons for Living Happily Single and Childfree– hosted by Kolu Boutique(which is actually in Venice, CA), my dear friend, Joni who works there, Jane (the … Continue reading
Travel Tuesday: Chicks That Trip
For many women, one of the downsides of being single is the desire to travel but having no one to go with. Traveling without some or at least one of your favorite people can be daunting, but it can also be freeing and fun (see Lori’s Cuba). This week’s guest post is by Chante Owens, seasoned … Continue reading
Inspiring Spinsterlicious Sweepstakes Entries
Response has been great around the featured essays from the Spinsterlicious Sweepstakes. I love hearing your stories and, apparently, so do lots of other people. What I love most is that we’re changing the stereotype of who a single woman is. When people- who-don’t-know-better make jokes about single women as “crazy cat ladies”, ”angry”, “too unattractive to … Continue reading
Sweepstakes For National Singles Week…Because Being Single is In!
“[W]hat it does bring home to us is that we can no longer pretend that marriage is the central organizing principle of society?” – Historian Stephanie Coontz There’s been a rash of studies and news articles lately on the declining marriage rate and the subsequent rise in single people. Two that I’ve seen a … Continue reading
“Fab Friday Favs”: Color Me…
The theme for this edition of Fab Friday Finds is c o l o r. For each, the color of “the find” is an integral component of why I love it…except for the last one. Gray Cover Gray is a lifesaver for me every morning. Most of my hair is not gray, but the edges of my hairline … Continue reading